
Don't just read, remember! A smart way to create flashcards to help you stay ahead.

Flashcard generator using AI

Generate flashcards from the content of Websites, YouTube, books, PDFs, and more!

Smart revisions

Amaizely keeps track of the content you need to revise and helps you revise it using smart spaced repetition.

Revise specific topics

Amaizely allows you to revise decks of specific topics or subjects that you want to focus on.

Formatting tools

Amaizely has a set of tools to help you format your flashcards and make them look beautiful.

Choose your decks

Save other's decks or create your own and choose which one you want to revise.

Share your decks

Share your decks with your friends and family to revise together!

Pay as you go

Amaizely let's you buy decks as you go, escape the headache of managing multiple subscriptions.

Be creative

Amaizely has an amazing editor to let you create flashcards manually, for when you want to create your own flashcards.

Coming soon..

AI generated quizzes to help you test your knowledge with dashboards to track your progress.